Bright IT helped the world leader in high-end long-range optics move from traditional monolithic platforms to a seamless content and commerce experience.
Bright IT helped the world leader in high-end long-range optics move from traditional monolithic platforms to a seamless content and commerce experience.
Learn how Bright IT helped HDI Global transform its digital presence from fragmented country websites into a powerful, unified solution across 26 countries and multiple languages.
Bright IT helped one of the world’s leading manufacturers of grinding and dressing tools relaunch their international website—enabling them to also launch campaign landing pages and microsites without IT support.
Bright IT supported the Dachstein Salzkammergut mountain resorts in the visual, functional and content-related migration of their five websites to a common shared content hub as part of the launch of their new umbrella brand.
Bright IT support eventWorld with the UX/UI design and technical implementation of a new self-service e-ticketing platform—as a modern and scalable Software-as-a-Service platform.
Bright IT supported the Vaillant Group with the development of a virtual sound experience app—simulating the sound emerging from heat pumps by Vaillant and Saunier.
Bright IT supported a longterm quality initiative of the cross-border Oberstdorf and Kleinwalstertal region with its scalable survey and benchmark SaaS solution.
Contact us to talk about your path to digital customer experiences on the pulse of time.