In line with the needs of guests and the digital transformation
Tourismus Oberstdorf, Tourismus Kleinwalstertal, and the Oberstdorf · Kleinwalsertal Bergbahnen have jointly launched a new project: "Are you doing well - the vacation check in the Oberstdorf-Kleinwalsertal region". The aim is to enable guests to leave a review for all participating project partners (especially the tourism businesses in the region) at any time during their stay.
QR codes placed at various locations allow guests to provide direct feedback on their current experience. By integrating partner businesses in the area, the project partners aim to achieve comprehensive quality monitoring. The collected data is presented anonymously, in real-time and in a user-friendly way in a highly flexible dashboard that is accessible to the partners of the Holiday Check, the region and the mountain railroads at any time and, for the very first time, enables benchmarking and objective comparison with each other.
Pioneer in the digital vacation experience
This digital vacation check project is a pioneering project in the field of quality tourism in the Alps and is funded by the EU regional program Interreg Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein, which is dedicated to promoting cross-border cooperation.
Scalable benchmarking powered by Bright Curios
The technical basis for collecting and processing all data is Bright Curios, our scalable software solution for continuous quantitative surveys and benchmarking in networked and distributed organizations.
Built for distributed organisations
The platform offers a sophisticated analytics view, enabling all partners to filter data by categories, touchpoints, question types, languages, surveys and templates. This offers a much more differentiated view of the data collected compared to traditional survey tools.